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Learning in Taos

When the rains returned to Taos a couple of days ago, we were quickly willing to take credit. For Taos is now a federal disaster zone because of the drought (“we didn’t have a winter”).  The weather is a temperamental character in the drama that is Taos.  It can be freezing in the morning with ice on the windshield, yet as we step outside the tulips have burst into bloom, and lunch can be served outside.

Last night was the New Mexico Writers evening with DH Lawrence at the home of Mabel Dodge Luhan.  Nearly 14 writers and entertainers perform—including Dean Stockwell and Mirabel Starr—and I read from the fictionalized letters from DH Lawrence to Isabella Hassouna, his Egyptian muse.  These letters are from my second novel in the Cairo Trilogy, Etruscan Evenings.  Even though the emcee and I said the letters were from a novel, afterwards, people came up to me to ask about what happened to Lawrence’s child.  I said, wait for the next novel.

This morning, we attend a Third Farmer’s Conference attended by Hispanics, Indians, and Anglos. (And, we have been told that these subcultures never work together! Not so). Officials from the Department of Agriculture and other agencies participated in the program.  A young woman,  newly appointed to the Minority Advisory Council said, “Perhaps our grandparents were right. We are reawakening to what is important. There is a profound change with this administration that is trying to make things right, address ancient wrongs and historic grievances.”  One of the key items was a new process for Hispanics and women to submit claims for cases in which they were discriminated against in getting loans for ranches or farms.

Tomorrow morning, we’ll meet with Jeff Boyer, archeologist, who is offering a job to Justine (my fictional protagonist). In the afternoon, a conversation with women on the pueblo followed by dinner with the former mayor of Taos and his wife.

Tulips and stars appear effortlessly. And so, apparently, does learning.


This entry was posted on Saturday, April 9th, 2011 at 6:33 pm and is filed under Education, Fiction, Leadership. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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